February 29, 2008

February 28, 2008

gone Bean, gone

All gone!

But Bean promises he'll make some more and share them with you. This was just a test batch.

February 27, 2008

February 26, 2008

for me?

Hmmmm. Bean thinks those cookies look mighty tasty... Maybe he'll just try one.

February 24, 2008


Shaken, not stirred.
That's the way, uh huh, uh huh, Bean likes it.
So shake shake shake your booty.
Maraschino cherry, please!

February 23, 2008


Uh oh. When Bean gets this look you know he's got some little mischievous plan he's hatching in his little mischievous head. But he's still deciding if he's going to do it. Wait around a minute, he'll ask if you want to join in.

February 22, 2008

turn it up

Bean is liking this doctor gig. They have the neatest things. These are the biggest headphones Bean has ever seen! Turn the music up, he says!

February 21, 2008


Feeling a bit under the weather? Well, come on in to see doctor Bean! He'll have you feeling better in no time. If this doesn't make you feel better fast, Bean can send you home with a couple pills to do the trick.

February 19, 2008


This one's a nice one. Holly and Bean are a lot alike. Neither has a tail and they both love food. Bean loves Holly so much, and Holly loves Bean so much when he has food.

February 17, 2008


Rise and shine and oh, happy day!
Bean has a full day of fun planned.
What are you doing today?

February 16, 2008


Goooooooooooood morning! Bean loves Saturday brunch. Waffles and blueberry pancakes, please! With a side of saucissons!

February 15, 2008

disco friday

Every Friday around 3:45pm, Bean likes to turn on the disco tunes to get him ready for the weekend. It's a time between work and play that gets him pepped for fun. However, this ritual has caused him to become similar to one of Pavlov's dogs: if you turn on the disco tunes, even if it's not 3:45pm and not Friday, Bean gets excited and groovy and ready to get down only to be let down by your ignorance and blatant disrespect for such a high holiday in Bean's book as Disco Fridays. Do this, and as Bean slowly comes out of his fever, you'll be getting a beat down that will make you never want to mess with the magic hour of Bean's get down again.

February 14, 2008

hey, valentine!

A valentine from Bean to you, with all his love and kisses, too!
(click on it for a bigger view)

February 13, 2008


Easy there, Bean.
He's getting ready for tomorrow in case cupid is sick or something. You might want to pray he's not, because Bean's not quite up to snuff, yet. But, you know, some people might not mind falling in love with trees or trash cans. Keep it up Bean, you're doing great!

February 12, 2008

tap tap tap

Shuffle hop step fa-lap step, shuffle hop step fa-lap step. Here is Bean at one of his first tap dancing classes. This novice's got nothing on Bean. Except maybe that ridiculously goofy grin. On second thought, they might be related. But I think Bean does a better Shirley Temple impression.

February 11, 2008

February 10, 2008

umbrella dance

do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do...
Bean thinks Gene Kelly was a super swell guy and had more moves than you could shake a stick at. Bean knows some of them but he still needs a couple more dance classes and other classes until he can get to this level. (the fun starts at 2:10)

February 9, 2008

your dad

Bean thinks he looks like your dad.
And Bean thinks your dad is scary.

February 7, 2008

cuppy cake > witticism

More satisfying than a well-placed, witty remark!
Ain't nuthin' better than a cuppy cake!

February 6, 2008


Bean doesn't function well if he doesn't get his 8 hours. Or if he purposely sits on his legs funny, cutting off their circulation, therefore making them go numb, and then crawling around on the floor until they get all the "ants" out of them.

February 5, 2008

mardi gras!

Bean loves Mardi Gras and Mardi Gras loves Bean. Anybody need some new jewelry? Bean couldn't possible wear all these necklaces even with his busy social calendar (more jam-packed than Paris Hilton's, who also happens to be Bean's buddy system parade partner).

February 4, 2008


Nothing goes with football like wings. Here is a picture from last night of Bean whilst eating them. He is usually a little neater but if you were trying to eat wings while watching the 4th quarter with 2.8 minutes left in the game, you'd have some mess on your face, too. Heck, I'm surprised some even got into his mouth.

And hooray NY Giants! Bean would also like to congratulate Eli on his becoming a man. Welcome to the club.

February 3, 2008


Bean's all rough and tough. Being out on the range makes you strong and durable, and gives you a handy knowledge of songs to sing to animals when they're misbehavin'.
And in honor of the Super Bowl, Bean wanted to dress as his favorite commercial.

February 2, 2008

so much for so well

It was going so well.

Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, right out of the oven, so warm and gooey. And then you find you are all out of milk. You could go get some but by then the cookies will be cold and stiff. The perfect moment you anticipated is gone forever. It's hard to learn from mistakes, but you'll never forget it. Bean now stocks a spare pint of 2%.

February 1, 2008

must must

Thank you for inviting Bean to your luncheon.
He had such a pleasant time and wants you to know that
we simply must do this again soon.